Conferences for Introverts: The Book

Alan Mendelevich
</dev> diaries
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017


Stop looking at your shoes and thrive in the world optimized for the other half!

Being around people sucks! Yet, attending conferences and other social gatherings advances my career forward, widens my network, and forms new great friendships. If that’s what you think, this book is for you.

We will cover ways to optimize your experience, attitude, and results of attending any professional social event as an introvert.

Get “Conferences for Introverts”

This is a short book, and I have written it to test your interest in what I have to say. It is available for just $2.99 (or equivalent + applicable taxes) in eBook form and for $4.99 in paperback. It could also be free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

I have a longer book in mind and based on your response to this one I will decide whether I can afford to make a substantial time investment in writing the other one.

Get a physical book, or an eBook for your Kindle or Kindle app on Amazon

For Kindle, users the easiest way to get the book is straight from Amazon. Get it on,,,,,, or just look it up in your local Amazon or on your device. There’s a paperback version on Amazon, as well.

PDF, epub, mobi for your Nooks, PocketBooks, Kobo, iPads, phones, etc.

Everyone else (well, Kindle users as well) can get “Conferences for Introverts” from Leanpub. In addition to variety of formats Leanpub provides you with an opportunity to pay me more or less depending on the value you see in my writing and how much you want to incentivize me to write that other book ;)

Spread the word!

Not an introvert? Don’t go to conferences? Think about your introvert friends who do! Share this book with them, give it to them as a present, and get +100 karma points.

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